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It's an honour to be with you as you feel, heal and grow.
I offer unconditional, non-judgmental compassionate care.
Let's build on what works for you.
I believe and trust you.
Give your children the gift of watching you care for yourself, change and grow.
I want to know what it's like to be you right now.
Let's heal the source of your emotional pain.
I provide a safe place for you to find your way.
When you love and accept yourself as you are, you can then care for yourself more.
The summary of almost every self help books is to unconditionally love, accept, forgive and trust yourself.
Often it's our most valued beliefs that give us the most trouble.
Family can be both the most important and the most damaging part of our lives.
The only thing that's consistent about life is the inconsistency.
It's not anger management, it's hurt and pain management.
Addictions are a tool to manage emotional pain.
Depression can be your mind and body insisting on a rest from the stress of being you.
Anxiety can be a built-in fear of that dreadful experience happening again.
Your body remembers the trauma.
The "what if's" can be too much to bear after a loved one suicides.
Everyone is doing their best with what they know in the moment.
Being vulnerable takes great strength.
Asking for help takes great courage.
A breakdown is so often a breakthrough.
If it takes 10 000 tears to grieve, let's get started.
Let's work together to create a gap between the event and the reaction.
Is it possible to forgive the unforgivable?
Talking to a good listener is a powerful medicine.
Grief has no timeline.
Practicing self-awareness lowers the intensity and frequency of emotional pain.
It's OK to make a decision to not make a decision yet.
Two steps forward and one step back is still forward.
Thinking you are an imposter sometimes is normal.
You are not alone.
You are perfectly imperfect.
We are often attracted to people with traits like our parents or other influential adults from our formative years.
It can be exhausting trying to have our unmet childhood needs fulfilled by others.
It might be time to put you first.
Your suffering lowers when lowering other people’s suffering.
Wanting to punish others punishes you.
Keeping your goals to yourself helps you achieve them.
Music soothes your negativity.
Your past doesn’t have to determine your future.
Being alone and loving yourself is often required.
Feel your loss to reduce it.
It’s all about love.
What you focus on grows, both good and bad.
Love the fear.
Mistakes are integral to success.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
Having a personal space in your home is important.
Communication is No.1 to successful relationships.
Love brought you here and will greet you when you leave.
You are worth trusting.
Smiling is more attractive than makeup.

Welcome to new clients and Welcome Back to my wonderful existing clients.

You can see me at John's Place Gosford (how to find me video) and at the Community Centre Wyoming.
To see my availability, please register first via the Book a Session page.
If you have a referral code from your GP, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Physiotherapist or Community Centre, please remember to place it after you have selected the date and time for your session.

I look forward to working with you.